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Essential Riding Tips During Bike Safety Month


The National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) reported that 1,105 bicyclist fatalities and more than 46,000 non-fatal accidents occurred in 2022 due to traffic crashes on U.S. streets and roadways, highlighting the critical need for enhanced bike safety measures.

On a more local level, 241 pedal cyclist fatalities were recorded in Georgia between 2013 and 2022; 90 took place in Tennessee within the same timeframe.

Bike accidents are often caused by collisions with vehicles, which stresses the importance of both cyclists and drivers adhering to road safety protocols.

National Bike Safety Month is in full motion every May. In the spirit of this year’s theme – “Be A Roll Model” – everyone should observe critical on-the-road practices to avoid bike injuries and promote a safer cycling environment in North Georgia and Tennessee.

Be Visible and Predictable

You are what you wear. In daylight you might be easier to spot, but if you know you will ride during gray days or at night, wear bright, reflective clothing and use lights. Always be predictable by using hand signals for turns or stops.

And of course, wear a helmet. In Georgia and Tennessee, all riders aged 16 years and under are required to wear them.

Follow Traffic Rules

Cyclists must adhere to the same regulations as motorists, including obeying all traffic signals and signs. This includes sharing the road, staying in the designated bike lane and riding with traffic in the right-hand lane.

Stay Alert and Defensive

Be aware of your surroundings and anticipate the actions of others on the road. One of the biggest risks for cyclists is unfortunately distracted drivers. As previously discussed,, NHTSA reported that 3,308 people were killed by distracted driving nationwide in 2022. Cellphones were a factor in 368 fatal traffic crashes (12% of all distraction affected fatal traffic crashes).

Cyclists should ride defensively and under the assumption that drivers may not see them. Ensure visibility by using hand signals and making eye contact with other road users to convey your turns.

Distracted driving awareness also applies to the cyclist. Your eyes and ears should be unimpeded to detect all risks. Do not text, listen to headphones, or engage in any activity that could distract you while riding.

Acknowledge Intersections, Railroad Crossings and Road Hazards

Caution and vigilance are needed when approaching intersections and high-volume areas.

Harkening back to making yourself seen, anticipate possible red-light runners, particularly at busy intersections. Many of our clients were injured in these locations, such as Frazier Avenue in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It is better for you to pause your momentum and stop at a crossing than try to outpace a car.

Never cross train tracks while a guard post is down and flashing. When it is safe, cross tracks perpendicularly to avoid accidents.

Watch for and carefully approach road hazards such as loose gravel, potholes or puddles.

What To Do If Injured In A Bike Accident

The recklessness of other drivers and cyclists and unsafe road conditions has led many victims to the offices of Pritchard Injury Firm to secure justice for their catastrophic and fatal injuries.

All bicycle accidents must be reported and investigated, and you should never move your bicycle after an injury-causing accident before photographing its location and position.

Although no amount of money can change an injury, filing a bicycle accident lawsuit (under personal injury law) can help you move forward. A successful settlement or verdict will result in damages, which can help you cope with:

  • Medical bills (present and future)
  • The costs of rehabilitative care
  • Missed work and wages
  • Changes to your earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life

The claims process can be complicated, but the Pritchard Injury Firm has the legal experience and compassion to provide North Georgia and Tennessee residents the most professional and stress-free experience possible.

#BikeSafetyMonth Is In Motion May 2024

Many bicycle accidents are avoidable. By adopting the good practices promoted during Bike Safety Month, cyclists and motorists can better ensure everyone reaches their destinations safely.

Your GA/TN Personal Injury Lawyer

Filing a personal injury claim quickly after a bike accident and consulting with an injury lawyer in North Georgia or Tennessee will help maximize the value for your physical, mental and property damages.

Pritchard Injury Firm is here to provide the compassionate legal and emotional support you deserve. Contact Pritchard Injury Firm for a free consultation.